General Terms and Conditions
Duken & v. Wangenheim AG
Every offer is subject to change and non-binding. Errors and prior sale / rental reserved.
1. Prohibition of disclosure
All information, including the property listings of Duken & v. Wangenheim AG, is intended for the client only. The customer is prohibited from passing on the property documentation and property information to third parties without the prior written consent of Duken & v. Wangenheim AG. if the customer breaches this obligation and a third party or other persons to whom the third party has passed on the information conclude the main contract, the customer is obliged to pay Duken & v. Wangenheim AG the commission agreed with him plus the applicable VAT.
2. Dual activity
Duken & v. Wangenheim AG may act for both the seller/landlord and the buyer subject to commission.
3. Owner details
Duken & v. Wangenheim AG would like to point out that the property information passed on by it originates from the seller/landlord or a third party and has not been checked by it, the estate agent, for accuracy or completeness.
4. Data protection
All personal and property-related data will be used exclusively for the processing of the order by Duken & v. Wangenheim. The client agrees to the transfer of data to third parties if this is necessary for the fulfillment of the order. The data will not be passed on in any other way. Please contact our office to obtain access to your contact details stored by us and to have them corrected if necessary or deleted on request.
5. Commission claim on sale
Unless otherwise agreed, the customary local commission is due upon conclusion of a contract concluded through our brokerage.
6. Limitation of liability
In the event of slightly negligent breaches of duty, our liability and that of our vicarious agents shall be limited to the foreseeable damage typical of the contract. Neither we nor our vicarious agents shall be liable for slightly negligent breaches of non-essential contractual obligations, the breach of which does not jeopardize the performance of the contract. A material contractual obligation is an obligation whose fulfillment is essential for the proper execution of the contract and on whose compliance the buyer may regularly rely. Our liability under the Product Liability Act or under guarantee remains unaffected by this. Furthermore, the limitations of liability shall not apply in the event of physical injury or damage to health attributable to us or in the event of loss of life of the customer.
7. Insurance
The company is covered by standard financial loss and public liability insurance.
8. Place of jurisdiction
If the customer is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the place of performance for all obligations and claims arising from the contractual relationship shall be the registered office of Duken & v. Wangenheim AG.
9. Online dispute resolution according to Art. 14 Abs. 1 ODR-VO und § 36 VSBG
The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution (OS-platform), which can be accessed at http://ec.europa/odr. "We declare that we are neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board."
10. Severability clause
In the event that one or more provisions of these terms and conditions should be or subsequently become invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected, unless the omission of individual clauses would place a contracting party at such an unreasonable disadvantage that it can no longer be reasonably expected to adhere to the contract. Insofar as the provisions have not become part of the contract or are invalid, the content of the contract shall be governed by the statutory provisions.
Duken & v. Wangenheim AG, Grosjeanstraße 4, 81925 München
legally represented by the Management Board: Detlev Frhr. v. Wangenheim, Founding member of the Süddeutschen Immobilienbörse e. V., HRB Nr. 127009 Amtsgericht München, Business license acc. §34 c GewO, Supervisory authority: Kreisverwaltungsreferat München, Ruppertstraße 19, 80466 München, UID Nr. DE 129333302
Duken & v. Wangenheim GmbH
Every offer is subject to change and non-binding. Errors and prior sale / rental reserved.
1. Prohibition of disclosure
All information, including the property listings of Duken & v. Wangenheim GmbH, is intended solely for the customer. The customer is prohibited from passing on the property documentation and property information to third parties without the prior written consent of Duken & v. Wangenheim GmbH. if the customer breaches this obligation and a third party or other persons to whom the third party has in turn passed on the information conclude the main contract, the customer is obliged to pay Duken & v. Wangenheim GmbH the commission agreed with him plus the applicable VAT.
2. Dual activity
Duken & v. Wangenheim GmbH may act on behalf of both the seller/landlord and the buyer subject to commission.
3. Owner details
Duken & v. Wangenheim GmbH would like to point out that the property information passed on by it originates from the seller/landlord or a third party and has not been checked by it, the estate agent, for accuracy or completeness.
4. Data protection
All personal and property-related data will be used exclusively for the processing of the order by Duken & v. Wangenheim. The client agrees to the transfer of data to third parties if this is necessary for the fulfillment of the order. The data will not be passed on in any other way. Please contact our office to obtain access to your contact details stored by us and to have them corrected if necessary or deleted on request.
5. Commission claim on sale
Unless otherwise agreed, the customary local commission is due upon conclusion of a contract concluded through our brokerage.
6. Limitation of liability
In the event of slightly negligent breaches of duty, our liability and that of our vicarious agents shall be limited to the foreseeable damage typical of the contract. Neither we nor our vicarious agents shall be liable for slightly negligent breaches of non-essential contractual obligations, the breach of which does not jeopardize the performance of the contract. A material contractual obligation is an obligation whose fulfillment is essential for the proper execution of the contract and on whose compliance the buyer may regularly rely. Our liability under the Product Liability Act or under guarantee remains unaffected by this. Furthermore, the limitations of liability shall not apply in the event of physical injury or damage to health attributable to us or in the event of loss of life of the customer.
7. Insurance
The company is covered by standard financial loss and public liability insurance.
8. Gerichtsstand
If the customer is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the place of performance for all obligations and claims arising from the contractual relationship shall be the registered office of Duken & v. Wangenheim GmbH.
9. Online dispute resolution according to Art. 14 Abs. 1 ODR-VO und § 36 VSBG
The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution (OS-platform), available at http://ec.europa/odr. "We declare that we are neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board."
10. Severability clause
In the event that one or more provisions of these terms and conditions should be or subsequently become invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected, unless the omission of individual clauses would place a contracting party at such an unreasonable disadvantage that it can no longer be reasonably expected to adhere to the contract. Insofar as the provisions have not become part of the contract or are invalid, the content of the contract shall be governed by the statutory provisions.
Duken & v. Wangenheim GmbH, Wolfratshauser Straße 244, 81479 München
legally represented by the managing director: André Schnitzke, HRB Nr. 154672 Amtsgericht München, Business license acc. §34 c GewO, Supervisory authority: Kreisverwaltungsreferat München, Ruppertstraße 19, 80466 München, UID Nr. DE 814206786